The STARTALK Student Summer Program in Kansas City

2023-2024 学年课程简介(具体开班情况视报名人数而定):
Chinese as Second Language (CSL) Syllabus (depending on the enrollment): 

课堂教学语言: 中文为主,英文为辅。
教材: 教师自选自编。部分教材内容参考暨南大学《中文》和《马立平中文》。
作业: 填图,描字,背儿歌等。

CSL-Beginner-1: Mainly for young children aged 4-7 with basic Chinese listening and speaking skills. The course is designed to help students strengthen their listening and speaking skills with an emphasis on correct pronunciation of the four tones, and build up preliminary reading skills with a common vocabulary. Topics include greeting and self-introduction, family members, body parts, age and numbers, food and drink, animals and pets, musical instruments, sports and much more. Songs, rhymes, games, videos and classroom activities will be part of the curriculum.
Classroom language: mainly Chinese, supplemented by English.
Textbooks: designed by the teachers themselves. Part of the content comes from “Ma Liping Chinese” series.
Homework: drawing, copying words, reciting children’s songs etc.

CSL-初级-2:主要针对八岁到10岁的具有一定汉语听说能力的儿童。老师将正规系统地教授中文汉字,包括汉语拼音、基本笔画、笔顺规则、间架结构和常用的偏旁部首。学生还将学习中文基本词汇、日常会话和基础阅读,为进入中文的中级 学习打下扎实的基础。教师将讲解有趣的中国风俗、中文故事、儿歌、谜语及少儿中文歌曲以提高学生学习中文的兴趣。
课堂教学语言: 中文为主,英文为辅。
教材: 教师自选自编。部分教材内容参考暨南大学《中文》和《马立平中文》。
作业: 以老师发的练习册及补充练习为主。

CSL-Beginner-2: Mainly for young children aged 8-10 with some Chinese listening and speaking skills. Students will be introduced systematically to Pinyin, strokes, writing orders, inter-frame structure and commonly used radicals. They will also learn fundamental vocabulary and basic Chinese sentences used in daily life through the textbook, workbooks, classroom lecture, and cultural activities, as well as online resources. Topics include nationalities, dates, home, school, daily life, and more. Songs, rhymes, games, videos and classroom activities will be part of the curriculum.

Classroom language: mainly Chinese, supplemented by English.
Textbooks: designed by the teachers themselves. Part of the content comes from “Ma Liping Chinese” series.
Homework: workbooks and supplementary exercises from the teacher


课堂教学语言: 中文。
教材: 教师自选自编。部分教材内容参考暨南大学《中文》和《马立平中文》。
作业: 以老师发的补充练习及练习册为主。

CSL-Intermediate: Mainly for young children aged 11-14 with considerate Chinese listening and speaking skills. Classes will focus on expanding students’ vocabularies to include more advanced topics, such as describing daily schedule, asking/telling class schedule, making a phone call, inviting friends for a play day, dining in Chinese restaurant and more. Teachers will properly add more reading and begin to train students to write a message, a diary, and a letter. Classroom activities include interview, games, origami, role-playing, storytelling, presentations and etc. to allow students to learn Chinese happily.

Classroom language: Chinese.
Textbooks: designed by the teachers themselves. Part of the content comes from “Chinese” series by Jinan University.
Homework: workbooks and supplementary exercises from the teacher

课堂教学语言: 中文。
教材: 教师自选自编。部分教材内容参考暨南大学《中文》和《马立平中文》。
作业: 以老师发的补充练习及练习册为主。

CSL-Advanced: Mainly for young children aged 15-18 with solid Chinese listening and speaking skills to continue to expand vocabulary, students learn to distinguish polyphonic words, polysemy words, synonym, antonym, homonym and etc and put them into practical use. The practice exercises reflect more real-world scenarios by engaging students with items like a movie ticket, a job listing from a newspaper, and a class syllabus. Teachers will properly add more reading and begin to train students to write narratives and stories. Classroom activities include interview, games, origami, role-playing, storytelling, presentations and etc to allow students to learn Chinese happily.

Classroom language: Chinese.
Textbooks: designed by the teachers themselves. Part of the content comes from “Chinese” series by Jinan University.
Homework: workbooks and supplementary exercises from the teacher

中文成人班:主要针对完全不懂或略懂中文的成人。主要教授中文发音与口语、情景与对话、文化与文明。老师以实际应用为出发点,根据不同主题不同情景,如:第一次见面,在饭店,去银行…… 来提高学生的口语交际能力,同时,渗透中文拼音,语法的一般规则,掌握汉字书写的奥秘,在不同的情景语言学习中体会中国特色文化。

CSL-Adult: Mainly for adults who have little or zero Chinese language foundation. The focus is on teaching Chinese pronunciation and speaking, Real-life conversations and dialogues, and cultural background knowledge. The practice exercises reflect more real-world scenarios by engaging students with items like meeting for the first time, going to the hotel, going to the bank… to improve the students’ oral communication ability, at the same time, infiltrating the Chinese pinyin, the general rules of grammar, mastering the writing of Chinese characters. Basic rules of Chinese writing will be introduced as well.